Sella & Mosca

Sella & Mosca - more information about the Italian wine brand

What could be better than growing wine in what is supposed to be the most uneconomical agricultural land? This was precisely the vision of the two entrepreneurs Sella and Mosca from Piedmont when they discovered the current estate in Sardinia in 1899. They wanted to transform this piece of land into a flourishing vineyard and they obviously more than succeeded. 

Admittedly, it took a few years to clear the farmland of its many stones. However, the hard work has paid off, allowing the soil to express its character in the vines on around 650 hectares. Since 2000, oenologist Giovanni Pinna has been responsible for cellaring the wines, which include Marchese di Villamarina, Monteoro Vermentino de Gallura and Mustazzo Cannonau di Sardegna. 

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